Wednesday, May 6, 2020

“Budget Cuts” The leading problem facing our educational System Adriana Cruz Free Essays

Budget cut has been the leading problem facing our educational system today. I think that students should be given top priority to learn, excel and benefit from school and not depriving them of their right to learn. Budget cuts in education will mean lesser funding for students in classrooms, the classroom will have a bigger student population and the school maintenance will have lesser spending. We will write a custom essay sample on â€Å"Budget Cuts† The leading problem facing our educational System Adriana Cruz or any similar topic only for you Order Now Budget cut in education in California will not benefit the students of California, and this will include my three school age children, who will suffer the consequences of such cuts. Each student is allocated a certain amount of money for one school year which includes reference materials like books and library materials. I started noticing how my kids had to share supplies such as books and little things as color pencils. Teachers were sharing supplies between them as well such as projectors, computers and television. I think that’s when I started to understand the big impact that the budget was having on schools. With a lesser budget, there will be limited resources for each student. We decided to move to South County, where according to the media, schools were given more funds than in the Northern part. We had to raise our expenses such as rent and food in order to give our children a better education. Unfortunately things are starting to look the same. I am mystified there is not more outrage about this issue. No money for counselors, paper or textbooks? No lunchtime aides, which means inadequate supervision? How can this even be legal? I hear all the people say the system is broken, and we need to fix it, but not on the backs of our children. Research shows that class size makes a huge difference in the quality of education for students for several reasons. Forcing educators to teach large classes increases the possibility of disruptions and decreases the ability of an educator to help struggling students. The current trend of using cooperative learning groups becomes hard to manage in large classes. I have a dyslexic child who really needs to be part of learning groups and a lot of support to succeed in school. . Unfortunately, these programs, which help keep educators abreast of new teaching methods and techniques, suffer from limited funds. As a result, students suffer too. It makes me really sad knowing that funding issues prevent districts from hiring more educators and many are providing less professional development opportunities. I have also noticed that school infrastructure showed to suffer the most in areas like restrooms, graffiti-covered walls, internal heating and cooling, classrooms and desks. I have to personally pay for sports uniforms more than other school items. With all these budget cuts I am sure that cleanliness, repairs of roofs and chairs, paints and classroom supplies will be most likely affected. They don’t seem to realize that a clean and safe surrounding will be very much conducive to learning because a student who is in this kind of environment will be able to concentrate more. There is a noticeable discrepancy between what us as parents and students think schools should cut versus what school officials have on their to-ax lists. The top three items we think schools should cut are school newspaper or broadcast outlets, summer school and field trips, in that order. The last items on students’ â€Å"should-cut† lists, starting from the bottom, are teachers, administrators, guidance counselors and sports. All items that schools have shown to most commonly choose to cut first. As a mother of three, the education of my children is one of my highest priorities. Like every parent, I want the best for my kids. I want them in good classrooms with good teachers where they will flourish, and by the time they graduate high school, will be prepared for the challenges the future will bring them. I feel that student’s ability to reach their academic potential should not be determined by the school they attend, all schools should provide the same quality of education, regardless of the neighborhood or financial status of the parents. I think that education is the basis for future growth, protection, and development of any nation. I do not understand why school districts should take hits of cuts when we have legislators giving themselves raises. Every student, no matter their background, deserves a fully prepared and qualified teacher, a quality education with proper resources, and the right infrastructure. How to cite â€Å"Budget Cuts† The leading problem facing our educational System Adriana Cruz, Papers

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